Knowing Yourself Is the Beginning of All Wisdom
Learn what knowledge, understanding, and wisdom are and why knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.
Learn what knowledge, understanding, and wisdom are and why knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.
How can you tell you enjoy what you do at work? Asking key questions helps. A work journal is a great tool to do that. Discover more here!
Do you feel like something is off? Perhaps, living your purpose is what you need. Is it though? Let’s explore some mindsets that restrain us!
A lot of people have this mindset that in order to live their purpose something outside of themselves has to work perfectly, a certain amount of money in the bank or certain outer requirement. And this is based on the outer conditioning we have been part of. If you went to school and you got A’s you got a certificate, if you go to work and you get a paycheck or promotion or bonus you are doing great. People and society appreciate you if you achieve x. Living with purpose is living with integrity with yourself. It is this sense that I love puppies then I am going to be around puppies and will do a business or a side-kick around puppies, it is a commitment with yourself and those you are here to serve whether that is puppies, people, a cause, an idea, an innovation. The problem is that when the person is putting an outside force whether is money, someone else’s buy-in, etc. Then they are putting their power of achieving the purpose outside of the Self and instead of going inwardly to find the inner resources within the self to get it done. The question instead is. What do I have now within myself to achieve my purpose? Say you want to spread an idea, well you may have a computer, a piece of paper to write, some connections, an email address, a social media account. Then you are ready to spread an idea, then you can write it, then you can have accountability buddies from your connections, then you may ask them if they know someone who is interested or you may google new connections, then you pick up the phone. This is how you achieve purpose, it is when you become the “vessel”, the “instrument” to bring your purpose to life. Or you want to help puppies, then you are like ok I have 1 hour a weekend to do this, then you find an organization for puppies or puppies lovers or the type of puppies you want to work with. And so on, you get the idea. You “think” you need “x” to live your purpose, when you ask yourself what is the first step I need to create my purpose? you will find a totally different response. I wrote my first two books when I was pregnant several years ago, all I needed to start was a pen a pencil and a place to sit and write, I did every day Monday to Friday, then an editor, then a supporter, then x. All started with me, pen and paper which was a 5 dollar investment or less. Live your purpose, impact the world with who you are and transform yourself into the gift you were born to be.
By Virginia Nava You found your calling and purpose. You know what you are supposed to do and it is like you know you need to climb Everest and you know it will be a big ride but you still unsure about what to pack, most of your friends and existing relationships are doing there thing and now it is your turn to do your thing. You feel a bit alone and on your own. Then you start googling what do I pack of the ride of purpose kind of thing and there are crickets or all these formulas. Let me tell you something, building your purpose is a process, it is a journey, some journeys are straight lines, some have detours. And all that you were taught about having A, B’s and C’s in High School or in graduate school isn’t going to work. This is a journey that requires you to connect with that deep spiritual part of you where you found the inspiration that this is your journey, it requires you to build a connection with this part of yourself for answers, for support and for guidance. It is like the light is inside your tunnel, instead of outside, like the GPS and compass is inside of you vs. outside of you! What you need for this journey is a relationship from the inside-out, is to find all the inner abilities, talents, gifts as well as what are not that strong points so that you can build the structure for your journey in which you are equipped for success and also to grow in your not that strong points and be supported. Let go of perfection, start becoming growth minded and remember this is a journey where you can be yourself and be of service of those you are meant to serve, it is a journey towards fulfillment, authenticity and growth. Yes there is sweat, tears, disappointments sometimes, some degree of mistakes or learning process, and there is also growth, love, authenticity, real connection and fulfillment.
By Virginia Nava Hieger Are you out there? Trying to find your purpose? Maybe you have tried before, maybe you are still trying. I find that finding your purpose can be tricky for some because we have been taught all this outer formulas of success, from the way we go to school to be taught how to build our career. In many ways a part of the process of work and purpose gets disconnected since we go to school and life. That part is the integral part of purpose YOU. The integral question before finding your purpose is Who are you? then Why are you here? or the best way to express it is how are you going to put who you are into purpose that both includes you and others. The real critical formula is be seen, heard and serve with who you are. It was many years ago that I was looking for the integration of meaningful work, I love what I did however I wanted a bigger purpose for what I did. Then I came to the realization that all the answers I was looking for where inside of me, that I needed to have a deeper relationship with myself and not one that was at a retreat once a year or over the weekend, a continuous relationship with me. I know teach you how to do this, some people are afraid of going within because they are too familiar of having a relationship with their inner critic and they feel uncomfortable with doing this, there is more to our inner world that our inner critic, there is our inner knowing, our inner wisdom a part of us that connect us deep with ourselves, our heart and what brings us joy. When we go back to this part we can start creating a peaceful space for connection and listening to who we are and reconnect with our essential qualities. Our essence is the key to alignment. For example if your essence is to be a compassionate person but you are always surrounded by difficult circumstances and environments you may need to rebalance your environment to nourish your essence. If you are a introvert you may get burned out in large extravertive groups and you may function better in certain kinds of careers and environments. Reconnecting with who you are, creating a practice to connect with yourself, allowing yourself to rediscover who you are, allowing yourself to express what you would love and then putting in place your creativity to create a life purpose structure to live a life where you can be you, be seen, be heard and be of service.