The courageous squirrel

ThinkstockPhotos-98979069 (2)THE COURAGEOUS SQUIRREL

By Virginia Nava Hieger

The other day, I was driving and noticed a squirrel in the middle of the road, not moving. It looked alive, but it was definitely in danger of been run over. Something told me, “Get out of your car and help her!” I pulled over, stepped out of my car and just as I was looking for something to pick her up, I realized she was alive and not hurt. She ran away, probably more afraid of me than anything else at that moment. It was interesting to observe the paralysis of her initial fear, and to realize that what had saved her was the courage to run.

Such an amazing story of contrast of fear and courage, right? It was almost as though it was fueled from the same energy source with opposing purposes: Contracting and freeing.

You could say the squirrel was afraid in both instances, yet look at how differently it used fear: Once to remain in control and once to start moving again. There’s a quote that says, “Fear and faith come from the same energy, but are used differently.”

One is the courage to step forward, in spite of fear. One is the fear that stops us from moving at all.

Here are a few more “Squirrel Lessons” about the courage to:

  • Step out of our comfort zone
  • Share new ideas
  • Love even when we don’t feel like it
  • Embark on a new adventure
  • Be your true self

I have been like a squirrel so many times, on many occasions. Still, I’ve forgotten that I don’t need to stay stuck or wait for the fear to go away—I can choose the courage to move forward instead.

Watch for these kinds of lessons. They are all around us.