How Keeping a Work Journal Can Help You?
How can you tell you enjoy what you do at work? Asking key questions helps. A work journal is a great tool to do that. Discover more here!
How can you tell you enjoy what you do at work? Asking key questions helps. A work journal is a great tool to do that. Discover more here!
“If you believe a business is built on relationships, make building them your business..”Scott Stratten. As human beings, we need healthy relationships in our lives. For entrepreneurs, they are the most significant element of their business. Every changemaker, difference maker, trailblazer, and innovator wants people around them to see the future they envision. Journal prompts for relationships are great tools for this. These journal prompts will get you started with observing how you relate with others around you. Why is this important? The better you know yourself, the more successful you will be at delivering your brand’s message to the market. When you understand what emotions, thoughts, sensations, and hunches you get from your daily relationships, you allow yourself to explore them, express them, and leave you with a pleasant feeling. Imagine how easy and joyful your life would be by approaching each day from a clear state of mind. Instead of reacting to daily situations, you become an observer of your inner reality and can identify the source of your emotions. As a result, you will feel good about yourself, and people around you will feel naturally attracted to spend time with you. Entrepreneurs will find this convenient, especially people like you who want to make a difference in the world and build a community. Part of the challenge is connecting with the right people, with those who can see your vision as you see it. Journal prompts for relationships Since we tend to open up more with our closest relationships, those can tell us more about the feelings and emotions we experience with them. In the end, we want to know more about ourselves and understand how we feel and why. From this deep understanding, entrepreneurs like you can identify personal traits they can express through a brand. For example, someone who values honesty in relationships might feel good being honest with employees, partners, and clients. That’s how you bring yourself to your business. Hopefully, these prompts will get you started to delve into your inner reality: Final words One of the main traits an entrepreneur wants is the ability to connect with others. We make those bonds through emotions and feelings. So, the better we understand our emotions and relationships, the easier we can create meaningful experiences. These journal prompts will serve as a starting point. Yet, there is even more out there to explore about this topic. Have you tried to build a community around your brand before with unexpected results? If so, you might find value in Your Gift Journey. Within this program, you will uncover your gifts, talents, strengths, and skills, learn how to create something new out of them, and get relevant strategies to share your creations in the market. How does that sound? If you would like to, let’s have a complimentary call to talk things further, or simply message me.
When branding a business, we tend to focus our attention on the outside. What about the inner branding? How can it help business leaders?
A meaningful business… what’s that? We will answer that question, and also will share with you its 5 elements.
A Deeper Look Do you really have a visibility problem? Or is it a symptom of your overall strategy? We have a tendency to consult and to identify problems too quickly. I have noticed, particularly in sales conversations, people may too quickly give me a perspective of what I need. Or the opposite happens, and they give me no direction at all. But after speaking to many entrepreneurs during the last six years, a light bulb came on for me. It’s not always about messaging, or how many social media posts or events you’re attending. A lot of times, there are deeper issues at work, and they are worth a closer look. Going to the outer activities such as marketing, sales or message is easy because it’s more tangible; things like building a website or creating a social media post. But going deeper is always worth the extra effort. Take a closer look: -Is it really all about frequency? Is social media really the answer, or is it a PR problem? Is it a business-to-business strategic problem that is being confused with a business-to-consumer solution? -Is it a confidence problem? Is it a value-based exchange? Or is it that you don’t know your audience well enough? Is it a delivery issue? Next time your visibility activities aren’t yielding the results you are looking for, look deeper, look within. Take a look from the inside out. Strategy Quiz Are you thinking like a strategist? -Are your strategic questions focused on resolving a problem? -Are your strategic questions focused on creating an opportunity? -Are you building a market? -Are you finding a market? -Do you know your value before the conversation? -Do you know your audience before the conversation? -Is your strategy focused on your problem for the next four weeks, or focused on building a legacy for the next 100 years? -Is it sustainable and attainable? -Can you do it? -If you can’t do it, who can?
Doing & Being By Virginia Nava Hieger “Use a more human perspective of business that includes listening to your body, intuition, and wisdom—and then take action. Take time to incorporate aspects that inspire you: music, colors, fresh air, or a dance break. This can be as simple as a five-minute break. Take time to take action, and let go of perfection. Take action and create progress.” Do you want to achieve more clarity and focus—and less overwhelm? I have noticed lately with CEOs and entrepreneurs that there is an imbalance of energy. Personally, I notice that when I am unaware or unintentional, I can fall into either doing or being. I have noticed that a balance of energy is key for success, with clarity and focus. When the energy of doing is too apparent you can see the side effects: mental exhaustion, lack of clarity, too many ideas rolling all over the place, meetings without focus. When the energy of doing is focused and balanced, it can lead to great results: effectiveness, productivity and focus. When the energy of being is available, its results are a great openness: in conversations, in learning from opportunities or perceived mistakes, and in being able to hear oneself and decide what is best to accomplish goals. When the energy of being is lacking, there’s a disconnection from self, from the whole-being and more logical tendencies, and from inner knowing and wisdom. How can you become more aware of the levels of balance between doing and being? Start by noticing exhaustion levels and openness levels, as well as the amounts of clarity and productivity in your life. Instead of going about the general way of business, which was created in the industrial era and focused on mass-production and machines, use a more human perspective of business that includes listening to your body, intuition, and wisdom—and then take action. Take time to incorporate aspects that inspire you: music, colors, fresh air, or a dance break. This can be as simple as a five-minute break. Take time to take action, and let go of perfection. Take action and create progress. The combination of being and doing brings a sense of wholeness and allowing flow. There may be times that are too unbalanced, or too demanding emotionally, and so your sense of doing and being needs to be more mindful. To summarize: -Write: 5 things that inspire you that you can do in 5 minutes. -Write: 5 things that you can do to move yourself forward in the highest service of you and the world. -Write how and why both being and doing can serve you: -How do you feel during a walk, in the shower, sitting playing, or contemplating an idea? -How do you feel when you are doing things with purpose?