
How to handle burnout or prevent burnout?

Tools for Burnout Mindset Transformation Burnout has many definitions. For this article, burnout is a series of events that lead to a feeling of exhaustion and tiredness.There are different kinds of burnout, career burnout, entrepreneurship, boredom, and exhaustion. To me, burnout is like a candle.You have a candle, and it is on and then you have the candle starting to melt. Another metaphor could be a battery you have different levels of red, yellow, and green.So, burnout will be when you are in red, and it is the undoing of burnout to go from red to yellow, to green.The prevention of burnout is to not go from yellow to red. I believe that burnout is connected to conditioning, culture, environmental conditions, and circumstances and is connected with mindset. Here are some tools for Burnout Mindset Transformation: Step by step process on how to transform a limiting belief into a new belief. For this process, it may be helpful for you to imagine yourself as your best friend or someone you deeply care about so it can be easier for you to do this process. Example of a Limiting Belief:It is not ok to ask for help. Examples of how to transform this belief into a new belief:A powerful leader asks for help. When you ask for help you can allow others the gift of helping.I deserve to receive help.I can find new help, I can find help in YouTube videos, in training online, and in meetups. There are plenty of tools to help me achieve my goals. Example of limiting belief:I have to do everything now. Examples of how to transform this belief into a new belief.What is the most urgent activity now? What is the most important activity now? What can I delegate?Use the word I choose to do vs. I have to do. Examples of limiting belief:I will rest when I have everything done.Resting is being lazy. Example of how to transform it.When I rest, I optimize my body, when I do it helps me focus, and be more efficient and productive.Rest adds to my productivity. Creating new thought habits can help you become aware of your energy levels and create new perspectives about the importance of creating more wellness in your life. In the end, the goal that many people have is to be more productive, effective, and efficient and this process can help you realize that by preventing burnout you are becoming more successful.And you realize how burnout is counterproductive because it takes away from productivity. So, the amount of time to rest in the day, sleep well, or take 5 minutes or a mental break during the day adds on to help you stay successful longer.

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Mattering beyond roles

By Virginia Nava Hieger I know you love your career, your advancement, your work, your family, your loved ones, and what youdo matters. Otherwise, you wouldn’t spend your time on any of that.Have you taken the time to matter? You may say “I know I matter because I am a leader, a VIP, a mom,an entrepreneur”, this and that.What about you matter versus what you do matters? There is a subtle difference there. What you do andwho you are like two sides of a coin. While what you do is on the outside, who you are is on the inside.Where are you focusing your attention? It is pretty common to be aware of things happening on the outside and neglect self-awareness. When Irealized that the inner reality shapes what I do, everything started to fall into place. I understood that I hadto explore myself and focus my attention on inner reality.So, I started my journey to uncover who am I and whether I matter. On this journey, affirmations showedup and I gave it a try. Do affirmations work? Well, almost a year ago, I shared a story about them that changed my point of view. They told meaffirmations work and I believe them… So, I was doing these affirmations: “I matter”, “I am valuable”. I looked at myself and repeat them like Iwas a trained professional parrot. Then, one day, I looked at myself and asked am I really valuable? Andwhat does it mean?These questions were some of the deepest questions I have ever asked. Underneath, it meant “do myactions reflect I am valuable?” Not my work or something outside of myself, but me doing my hobby isvaluable, what I published is valuable. If meant, I am valuable.Then, I started paying attention and I listened to myself. These questions came to my mind: – What does it mean “I am valuable”? – What is the essence of being valuable?To me is listening to myself, and journaling. Taking a walk in nature in silence. Communing with outercreators like me, co-creating, using my gifts and talents, growing myself, and trying something new.After some thought on the affirmations “I matter”, and “I am valuable”, I noticed that affirmations only workwhen you have a good comprehension of what those phrases mean for you. Otherwise, you would berepeating empty words.What makes a difference is internalizing those affirmations, accepting them, and making them part of you.Introspection is the only way to dive into the vast and rich reality happening within you. How do you do introspection? Ask yourself “am I valuable”? And then, do an activity that brings you closer to mattering yourself. Orsimply be with yourself, listen to yourself, and journal.As I said before, the outer reality is intertwined with the inner reality. If you love yourself, you can givelove to others. When you feel compassion for yourself, you can be compassionate with others, and so on.We all want to matter to others. Yet, do you matter to yourself?

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How to stay confident?

Blossom with confidence. One of the most common questions I experience in my coaching is this one. HOW TO STAY CONFIDENT? The way in which I help my clients stay confident, rebuild their confidence or restore their confidence is in this way. 1. REFOCUS Society wise many people have been trained to look at their imperfections and “perfect” them instead of focusing on their strengths. 2. SHIFT EXPECTATIONS A lot of people can be really confident when they have done something for 15 years except when some may have imposter syndrome. For those that are embarking on something new, which most of us are, there can be a hit on confidence if a person’s expectations are to be a pro right now. Shift your expectations: expect to be a beginner, use that beginner mindset in your favor with curiosity and growth mindset. 3. REFRAME: Shift your perspective to a “learning experience”. I used to have this boss when I was younger who will say to me “Kiddo this is a learning experience.” 4. LEARN AS YOU GO: Learn as you do, you can get confident without practice. The chicken and the egg experience… Does confidence come from being perfect or from progress? The question is how do you get good at something? By practicing 5. BE INSPIRED BY SOMEONE WHO HAS REACHED THE NEXT LEVEL: In life as we grow, we may not always be at the pro level because there may always be a new pro level to reach, which is awesome. For those over achievers like me this could be so fun!

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You are in the middle of the mountains watching the sun rising as that's how it feels to know yourself and know your worth

Why Do You Want to Know Yourself and Know Your Worth?

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”Carl Jung. Have you ever thought about how you might feel if you didn’t have any problems? What about being able to pay no attention to what others think about you? Do you want to understand how to make decisions that work for you? The secret to living like that is knowing yourself and your worth. Let’s uncover the connection between knowing yourself, self-love, independence, and decision-making. Then, we will talk about some tools to know yourself. Know yourself and self-love When you know yourself and know your worth, you practice self-love. Think about it. Imagine that you are holding a $100.00 bill. You can do whatever you want to it, except tear it, and it will keep its purchasing power in this instant. We all have to face life challenges. Nonetheless, our value keeps the same. How can we fight against those challenges without suffering? The answer is loving yourself.  When you know yourself, you can tell what you like/dislike about you. You can ask yourself and understand why you like/dislike what you like/dislike about you. Once you comprehend that labeling parts of you as good or bad is pointless, you accept and love yourself as you are. That understanding opens a myriad of options. In a way, it gives you the flexibility to use everything in you to interact with the world. For example, someone who talks a lot can invest that energy into lecturing or doing something that requires talking a lot.  You just have to accept it to figure out what you can do with it. Know yourself and be independent According to the dictionary, independence means “not [being] influenced or controlled by others in matters of opinion, conduct, etc.; thinking or acting for oneself.” In other words, we are independent when we can think for ourselves or follow our criteria. When you know yourself and know your worth, you can feel what works for you. It doesn’t matter who tells us what, we will follow whatever is good for us. Someone who feels empathy might enjoy any activity that involves interacting with other human beings. That very same person might feel bored doing anything logical and rigid. Every human being has their gifts, talents, skills, and strengths. We just have to understand them and use them. Know yourself and decision-making When you know yourself, you get a clear north to follow. In that journey, you have to choose between many paths. Which one gets you closer to your north? What’s your north? Why is that? What does it make you think that’s your north?  When you know yourself and know your worth, you are more confident. You know your limits. Because you do, you understand the next step to expand what you can do. In other words, you grow, you develop yourself. Knowing yourself means you won’t have to feel hesitation ever again. Once any situation appears in front of you, it will be like a movie you watch. You are the observer who watches how your mind perceives everything “outside” you.  From that serenity, you will be able to respond to the situation in front of you calmly, instead of reacting with surprise, fear, anger, sadness, disgust, or happiness. It doesn’t mean that you will control your emotions. It is more about flowing with them. Think of emotions as the water in the sea under your surfboard and you. You want to feel the water of the sea. In other words, you want to feel the emotions flowing through your body. You want that because emotions send information to your mind. That’s how you make good decisions: listening to your heart. You first listen to your heart and then think about the situation you want to solve. What decision will create stronger bonds with the people around you? You can find the right answer to that question after knowing yourself and understanding your worth. 5 Tools to know yourself Now that you know why knowing yourself is significant, you will want to do something about it, right? How can anyone know who they are? Fortunately, there are many ways to create a good relationship with oneself. We will only mention 5 of them. Meditation There are many meditation techniques you can try. If you don’t know how to meditate, you can start with guided meditations or simply find a tranquil place you like, find comfort, close your eyes, and pay attention to your breathing. Thoughts will come and go. Just watch them and avoid any judgment. Just watch. Do this as much as you like. Try doing it for 30min, and then see if you can last any longer. Enjoy. Asking Yes, asking, but asking what? Exactly, asking. That’s good. We can ask many questions. If you don’t know where to start, why don’t you try this question: Who am I? This question will entertain you for life, literally. Nobody has been able to answer that question. Can you do that? If you answered that question and felt like you could explain it to other people, you would have done an amazing task, one of a kind. Everybody would have remembered you! Why? Because nobody has been able to answer that question. Well, some people came up with an answer, but people couldn’t express it because it was beyond words. One has to experience it to understand what it means. Yet, that doesn’t mean asking Who am I? is pointless. It will drive you on a journey where you get to know yourself. Lifetime  If we draw a horizontal line and say that present is in the middle of that line, then whatever is behind is the past, and whatever is ahead is the future. Can you place on that line what you did and what you want to do with your life from today and forward? Accounting into past events and how you managed them will help you identify patterns. Every

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