Why Would You Look for Self-Awareness in Leadership?
They say self-awareness in leadership is critical, but why? Discover the traits of an inspirational leader and how to nurture them through self-reflection.
They say self-awareness in leadership is critical, but why? Discover the traits of an inspirational leader and how to nurture them through self-reflection.
As an entrepreneur, you have to face different challenges that may bring stress to your life, leading to business burnout. Learn how you can deal with it!
Are you looking to improve your leadership skills? With years of experience as a business leadership coach, Virginia Nava is an expert on it.
A meaningful business… what’s that? We will answer that question, and also will share with you its 5 elements.
What’s transformational leadership? Find out its 4 key traits and a clear example of them to help you identify them or become one yourself!
A Deeper Look Do you really have a visibility problem? Or is it a symptom of your overall strategy? We have a tendency to consult and to identify problems too quickly. I have noticed, particularly in sales conversations, people may too quickly give me a perspective of what I need. Or the opposite happens, and they give me no direction at all. But after speaking to many entrepreneurs during the last six years, a light bulb came on for me. It’s not always about messaging, or how many social media posts or events you’re attending. A lot of times, there are deeper issues at work, and they are worth a closer look. Going to the outer activities such as marketing, sales or message is easy because it’s more tangible; things like building a website or creating a social media post. But going deeper is always worth the extra effort. Take a closer look: -Is it really all about frequency? Is social media really the answer, or is it a PR problem? Is it a business-to-business strategic problem that is being confused with a business-to-consumer solution? -Is it a confidence problem? Is it a value-based exchange? Or is it that you don’t know your audience well enough? Is it a delivery issue? Next time your visibility activities aren’t yielding the results you are looking for, look deeper, look within. Take a look from the inside out. Strategy Quiz Are you thinking like a strategist? -Are your strategic questions focused on resolving a problem? -Are your strategic questions focused on creating an opportunity? -Are you building a market? -Are you finding a market? -Do you know your value before the conversation? -Do you know your audience before the conversation? -Is your strategy focused on your problem for the next four weeks, or focused on building a legacy for the next 100 years? -Is it sustainable and attainable? -Can you do it? -If you can’t do it, who can?